Meet Dan Doofus the spokesman for the National Fire Protection Associations (NFPA).
According to the NFPA, Dan isn’t very smart. In fact, he is duller than a 1,200 degree sparkler (No joke, sparklers burn at 1,200 degrees!). Dan uses consumer fireworks and is not safe.
Here is why fireworks are more of a hazard than a good time:
- Did we mention that sparklers burn at 1,200 degrees? Typically children wave them around and run with them. Please don’t put your home, child, or anything in this dangerous situation. A burning sparkler can start a fire, burn people or pets, and cause eye injuries.
- Thousands of people are burned and receive eye injuries from all types of fireworks. We don’t want you bandaged up with Dan Doofus.
- Attend a public fireworks display. Leave it to the professionals and enjoy the show.
If you’ve found your home has become the victim to fireworks, reach out to our team to help restore your home and belongings. We employ professional contractors and cleaners to bring your home back to pre-firework condition.