Prevent a sick workforce

Getting sick is bad enough for individuals, but having a swarm of employees come down with something is a manager’s nightmare.

Germs are all over offices and other workplaces, and preventing your employees from getting exposed to unnecessary bacteria at work is imperative to your operation.

Sioux Falls janitorial services could be the difference between getting through flu season without waves of sick customers.

Why Sioux Falls Commercial Cleaning Matters

Sioux Falls office cleaning is vital to keeping a successful business running. A healthy workforce is a happier, more productive workforce.

Unfortunately, offices accumulate a lot of germs, as detailed in this infographic by Visually that a frequent commercial cleaning customer sent us.

Be careful, though; you’ll want to clean the office top to bottom after reading it!

Some Interesting Facts about Office Cleaning [Infographic]

From Visually.

See? That’s a lot to worry about! But Intek is here to help.

Level-Up Commercial Cleanings With SteraMist™

Since most commercial cleaners aren’t effective, if you’re serious about cleaning your workplace, we suggest using our SteraMist™ Sioux Falls services.

SteraMist™ is a transportable disinfection/decontamination system that can disinfect and decontaminate both the air and all the surfaces in a sealed space, and has been known to reduce infection rates by 99.9999%.

Think of this as the nuclear option. SteraMist™ has been used in daycares, hospitals, hotels, laboratories, factories, and other business locations can reduce the chemical and biological hazards of the workplace, and provide you with unmatched piece-of-mind.

General Southeastern South Dakota & Sioux Falls Commercial Cleaning

Office desks 400 times dirtier than toilet seats? Yuck!

We’ve got you covered. Make keeping the office clean our problem so you can get back to the work that matters. You’re in outstanding hands with Intek’s professional Sioux Falls commercial cleaning team!