a dark living room on a rainy day

You’ve likely heard the terms mold and mildew used together — perhaps even interchangeably.

Both types of fungus can grow indoors, spread easily, are difficult to kill, and can produce negative effects on both your home and building structure.

However, each thrive on different types of surfaces, pose different risks, and respond differently to treatment.

We’ll cover the differences between mold and mildew and how you can combat each in your South Dakota home or business!

All About Mold

Mold has been on Earth for millions of years and can grow anywhere there has been moisture. There are thousands of mold species, but only a handful commonly grow indoors.

It’s a slimy fungus that typically grows in black or green patches.

Where Mold Grows

Mold can enter your home or business in many ways — through open doorways or windows or vents, or it can attach itself to your shoes or pets.

If you have a leak in a pipe or wall, mold spores can drop in there and begin to grow. The paper-like building materials that make up many structures create an even more conducive environment for mold spores to grow.

Effects of Mold

When left unattended for too long, mold can cause structural damage and health problems. This can include allergic reactions like sneezing or skin irritation, respiratory problems, migraines, or more.

Specifically, black mold is particularly harmful to your health and can have long-term effects.

Removing Mold

Mold remediation needs to be done ASAP, and the Intek team is here to help!

To begin, we confine the areas contaminated by mold and use negative air pressurization to keep the spores isolated within the containment area to prevent cross-contamination.

Once we approve the air quality, our professionals then restore the area back to its original condition.

Mold removal is pretty intensive, and that’s why you must call a professional if you suspect it may be in your home or business.

Learn more about mold remediation with Intek »

Man holding potatoes in hand

All About Mildew

Mildew is a type of mold, and it’s specifically a plant disease.

You can spot the difference between mold and mildew because mildew is more of a powdery substance that is typically white or gray. It will lie on the surface of a flat area and turn brown over time.

Where Mildew Grows

There are two types of mildew — powdery and downy — and they grow in different places.

Powdery mildew tends to grow on flowering plants, while downy mildew is found on agricultural products like fruit or potatoes. Both types grow in a flat pattern.

Effects of Mildew

While mildew lends itself to plants and crops, it still can appear indoors.

If you have mildew in your home or business, take care of it immediately. Otherwise, you may begin to experience symptoms like coughing, headaches, or respiratory problems from inhaling the spores.

Removing Mildew

Good news! Because it’s a flat growth, mildew can be more easily removed than mold. Also, you can often do a DIY mildew removal job with a good cleaner and scrubbing brush.

Work in well-ventilated area and wear gloves and a mask for your protection from the spores and the cleaning chemicals. Scrub the mildew off the entire area. Make sure you get it all!

Unsure? Give Us a Call

If you can’t tell whether you’re dealing with mold or mildew, it’s best to give our experts a call. We’ll take a professional look and advise you on the best next steps for your home and your health.