Water Damage Restoration

Sioux Falls Sump Pump Rules: Don’t Get Fined This Winter

Getting used to a new place or unclear on your neighborhood’s regulations? If so, Intek Cleaning and Restoration wants you to know the sump pump Sioux Falls rules for this winter. We’d hate to see you get hit with any fines, and want to help you stay ahead of the game on any of your home’s [...]

Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Disaster Restoration?

You might have homeowners insurance in Sioux Falls — but just how good is your coverage? Not all homeowners insurance policies are the same. Even if you think you’ve got a decent policy, it might not offer complete coverage for disaster restoration. At INTEK, we’ve seen too many homeowners experience the devastation of fire or water damage [...]

Wet Drywall in Sioux Falls? Here’s What to Do

What happens when drywall gets wet? If you recently experienced flooding or other water damage in Sioux Falls, you might be concerned about your drywall — and rightfully so. Wet drywall can be dangerous. Avoid the horrors of house mold in Sioux Falls by learning what to do if (God forbid) your drywall gets wet. What Happens [...]

9 Ways to Prevent Water Damage in Sioux Falls

If you live on the floodplain in eastern South Dakota, you know how real the threat of water damage can be. Especially during these rainy spring and summer months, water damage in Sioux Falls can occur in countless homes throughout the area. In fact, water damage is one of the most frequently filed homeowner insurance claims [...]

Taking a Winter Trip? Prepare Your House for Vacation

Flying south this winter? Lucky you! If you’re taking a warm vacation anytime soon, you’re probably the envy of your fellow South Dakotans. But your friends aren’t all you’re leaving behind in the cold. When you lock up your house, you’re abandoning it — and opening the door to plumbing leaks, frozen pipes, and other icy (er, dicey) situations. [...]

Minimize Water Damage

  If you need assistance with water in your home or business and have contacted INTEK, we appreciate your patience in this time of severe flooding. We are trying to reach as many of you as fast as possible. In the meantime, here are a few tips to help minimize your damage.  Minimize Water Damage: [...]