General Cleaning Services

How Often Should You Vacuum Your Carpets?

We’ve been carpet cleaning Sioux Falls homes since 1984. We’ve seen all sorts of rugs and carpets – and what happens if you neglect them. So to pass on that knowledge, here’s how often you should vacuum your carpets to keep them in top form and not end up needing a costly replacement. […]

How to Prevent Kitchen Mold and Mildew in Sioux Falls

Kitchen mold and mildew are unfortunately good at party crashing — wreaking havoc on walls, pipes, and countertops. Both of these invasive fungi thrive on moist surfaces and places where water is able to accumulate. Kitchen mold and mildew can cause significant damage if they’re left unchecked, and their presence could be a sign that [...]

Take Advantage of Your Tax Return in Sioux Falls

It’s February, and you know what that means…tax time! Before you start groaning, hear us out. There are several ways you can work the system to get the most out of your tax return in Sioux Falls. You don’t have to fork over as much as you think — and that means you can use that money [...]

Summer Stain Removal Tips

Summertime means summer fun. Picnics, ballgames, vacations – it’s all fun and games until you stain your clothes. We have stain removal tips for you. […]

Allergy Season: Prepare Your House

It’s allergy season. If you suffer from allergies and/or hay fever, reduce allergens in your home, especially during spring and summer when grasses and pollen are most active. […]

7 Spring Cleaning Tips Not to Forget

Spring is in the air…spring cleaning, that is! The time of year has once again arrived for us to break out our brooms and start scrubbing our homes clean. It’s time to turn our attention to those big projects we’ve been avoiding all winter–as well as the small details we often overlook. […]