Home Maintenance Services

Household Mold: What You Need to Know

It’s common knowledge that mold is something we don’t want in our homes. It looks and smells unpleasant and can also spoil our food. The worst part is when mold invades your living space, it could potentially cause health problems and damage to your home. Even though mold mitigation is a top concern for [...]

The Benefits and Dangers of Power Washing Your House in South Dakota

There are clear dangers and drawbacks to having water in your home – and we’ve covered ways to prevent water damage – but sometimes water can add life to your home.  Many people in Sioux Falls, Brookings, Yankton, and other areas choose to power wash the exterior of their homes every year, because the benefits clearly [...]

Home Care During Construction Season

Construction projects in or around your home this orange-cone season? Fumes, allergens, and drywall dust can all creep their way into your home — even if the construction project is across the street. Here’s how to keep your home and air clean when large projects take over. No [...]

Brookings Carpet Cleaning: Worth the Time and Investment?

Brookings residents already know that carpet cleaning works, but for those who might be first-timers… How exactly does the process work? And, is it worth the time? Your time is valuable, so we’ll get straight to the point. Yes, carpet cleaning is worth the time, but it actually takes less time than you might [...]

How to Protect Your Home from Spring Flooding

When you think of flooding, you might think of rivers flowing over their banks, or fields and streets covered in water. It’s an all-too-common sight. And while April showers certainly cause the majority of flooding here in the Midwest, the damage they cause isn’t so immediately apparent.  Frozen pipes, poor drainage, and the absence [...]

Five Tips to Cut Down on Spring Property Claims

April showers bring May flowers and with it spring brings. . . property claims! The warmer weather and melting snow have the potential to bring a host of issues. So, in addition to your spring cleaning list, here are five things to keep in mind to prepare your home and cut down on spring [...]

Spring Cleaning Your Brookings Home

Living in Brookings means experiencing cold winters and hot summers, but we (usually) have a bit of time in between that is optimal for some deep home cleaning — spring cleaning! We’ve put together a few around-the-house projects (some big, some small) that can help maintain your home’s condition and save you money on [...]

Homeowners Insurance Checklist for the New Year

The year 2022 is quickly approaching. With the end of another year comes a time for reflection. Intek wants to remind you to reflect on your homeowners insurance and what it covers so the new year can have fewer worries.  Whether you recently bought your first home or just want to refresh your coverage [...]

Know What Your Insurance Covers: Holiday Disaster Edition

This time of year is one of food, family and festivities of all kinds. But with all of the excitement around the holidays, we can easily forget the extra safety precautions needed to prevent any accidents or damage to your home and belongings.  We’re not saying the holidays are bound for disaster, but [...]