Furnace & Duct Cleaning

Dryer Vent Cleaning 101: Why, When, and Warning Signs

If your clothes dryer has been acting up, don’t just blame it on old age. It could be trying to tell you something — like, “Clean my vents . . . now!” Dryer vent cleaning might seem like a dull task, but if you haven’t done it in a while (as in, over a year), it’s [...]

How to Wrap Your Windows for Winter

Sometimes, you take all the right steps to get your home toasty – hunting down drafts, locking doors and windows, and having your furnace and duct system inspected – but it still feels like you can’t keep the warmth inside. Unless you’re sporting thick (read: expensive) windows, you’re probably losing a lot of heat right [...]

8 Ways to Lower Heating Costs in South Dakota

Are you doing everything you can to keep the cost of heating your home down this winter? In the southeastern part of the state the time for preemptive action is running out. Here are some steps to lower heating costs South Dakota homes face. […]

5 Home Heating Mistakes to Avoid in South Dakota

In southeast South Dakota, we know cold. Both to reduce the costs of heating your home and keep your family safe as temperatures drop, you need to make sure your heating system is ready. When the cold sets in, don’t let it catch you by surprise. Instead of waking up [...]

Bad Allergies? Time to Clean Your Ducts, Sioux Falls

We’re pretty happy when the equinox comes and melts all the snow. The sun starts shining. Sioux Falls bike trails are full. The city comes alive. And then we get hit with allergies. Ahh-choo. All puns aside, spring can be a truly miserable time for people with allergies, but there are plenty of things you [...]

#1 Spring Cleaning Tip: Get Your Ducts Cleaned!

Do you own a home in southeastern South Dakota? If so, get ready to roll up your sleeves and pull out the elbow grease. It’s time for spring cleaning, Sioux Falls! We’ve written a lot about spring cleaning in Sioux Falls and Yankton on our blog. You can read the seven spring cleaning tips not to forget, [...]

How to Keep Warm and Save Energy at Home This Winter

Now that winter has officially blown its way into South Dakota, the whole state is settling in for a season of snow, ice...and hefty heating bills. But does it have to be this way? You obviously need to stay warm this winter, but you don't have to crank up your thermostat--and your energy bill--in order to do it. Here are our [...]