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  • A sump pump in good condition is usually a necessity in Sioux Falls. It will help prevent flooding, which means avoiding damage to your home and belongings. Less moisture also means a lower chance of mold growth and all the health hazards that come with it. How do you know [...]

  • Mold isn’t pretty. There are so many different types, moldy areas smell awful, and it’s terrible for your health. You don’t want mold setting up shop in your business, but sometimes it’s hard to spot mold before it’s taken over. Are you wondering if your business needs a mold inspection [...]

  • After the dark and cold of winter, spring makes everything feel better. You can throw open the windows, take a stroll, and ditch those ice scrapers in the back of your trunk. Still, your house can get pretty crowded and messy after all that time stuck inside. To get you [...]

  •   Maybe you’ve moved into a home that smells (or looks) of smoke. Or maybe you’ve recently quit smoking and want to rid your house of the reminder. Whatever the case, if your home has been exposed to cigarette smoke, it has probably permeated into your walls [...]

  • Getting sick is bad enough for individuals, but having a swarm of employees come down with something is a manager’s nightmare. Germs are all over offices and other workplaces, and preventing your employees from getting exposed to unnecessary bacteria at work is imperative to your operation. Sioux Falls janitorial services [...]

  • Rock salt and ice melt are super important for business owners in South Dakota. When snow and ice hit, you want to make sure your customers stay safe on your sidewalks. But those same safety products can also cause a major headache for your business’s carpets. After years working in [...]

  • Commercial duct cleaning. Sounds like a bit of a snooze-fest, huh? Actually, cleaning your office ducts is pretty important. If you don’t, your staff and customers will be dealing with worse than yawns. We’re talking allergy symptoms, respiratory infections, and other health issues that stem from poor air quality. Here’s [...]

  • Clothes dryers seem harmless enough — yntil they burn your house to the ground. Not trying to be extreme here, but we’ve seen enough house fires in Sioux Falls to know that cleaning your dryer vents is not a task to be taken lightly. In fact, if you don’t schedule [...]

  • Sioux Falls commercial cleaning services are an important piece of your business plan. Whether you sell shoes or cars, you want a clean showroom for customers and your sales team. After all, you need people to want to be there! Intek can work around your business’ operational hours to ensure [...]

  • When your furnace is acting up, you’re going to be spending a winter day in the garage, or for some reason it’s just too dang cold at your place, a space heater can be a great solution. As always, we just want to make sure you’re going about it safely and [...]

  • Congratulations! If you’re reading this, it means you have survived yet another holiday season. Now you can put your feet up, start cherishing the latest bundle of memories, and push off the thought of doing this all again in 11 months. That is, unless your family and friends left your [...]

  • Few sights are as beautiful as a lit Christmas tree. That is, when it’s lit by tiny light bulbs, not lashing tongues of flame. If you’ve still got your Sioux Falls Christmas tree up, stay on top of holiday fire safety! […]